In the age of the Internet, I am still bombarded by this question. Unfortunately, there is no real easy answer, other than, Coupons are Everywhere. I am constantly on the lookout for coupons. Below is a sampling of places to be on the lookout for coupons:
Subscribe or buy your local Sunday paper. There are normally coupons in the paper each week.
Ask your friends and family members who do not coupon to save theirs for you. Consider putting together a coupon swap with friends who like to coupon. Saves you time and money, and what better way to get together for social time?
The Internet.,,, are just a few that you can print coupons from. Check manufacturers websites, most usually have links to coupons for their products. Most grocery and discount stores today offer printable coupons.
The grocery store. Every time I visit my stores, I check the kiosk by the front doors. More often than not, there are normally store coupons and manufacturers coupons. Be on the look out for special displays set-up throughout the store. Sometimes the manufacturers have recipe booklets that contain coupons. As you walk down the aisles, look for those little, blinking machines that contain coupons. Grab a couple to put in your binder if it's for something you might purchase later.
Magazines. How many times have you reading whatever magazine you happen to subscribe to and run across a coupon? This happens to me all the time. Check out a magazine called "All You". It is a magazine of monthly coupons. So far, I have only found it sold at Walmart, but you can also get a subscription through pretty cheaply. I have also found coupons in the Parade magazine that comes with our Sunday paper.
E-coupons. Do you have a shoppers reward card for any of your local stores? If you do, chances are they have some type of e program on their website. For instance, Kroger has a link to download e coupons to your Kroger plus card. You pull up the available coupons, click save to card and your done. Your coupon will automatically print out on your receipt when you Purchase that item using your reward card. Even sweeter, you can combine the e coupon with a paper coupon, yes you read that right, TWO coupons for one item! How awesome is that?
These are just a few ideas that come to mind. If you have any other ideas, please comment below, I'd love to hear from you!
Happy Couponing!
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